
The international bid-round no (2) for the year 2020 for exploration of some ores and associated minerals 

Procedures and conditions & Evaluation system

- Procedures and conditions  for  International Bid-round No (1) for the year 2020 for exploration of some ores and associated minerals click here to download

data Packages summary

click here to download



- Map of global information packages  for   International Bid-round No (1) for the year 2020 for exploration of some ores and associated minerals  click here to download


Exploration & Exploitation  Model

Exploitation Agreement Model click here to download
Exploration License Model click here to download


Are the data packages available online?

Data packages are not currently available online but will be made available online soon

How do I purchase a data package?

Data packages can be purchased directly at EMRA's offices or by online payment. Details are outlined on the EMRA website soon.

What do I receive with a data package?

Data packages will be accessible following receipt of payment.

How much does a data package cost?

Prices are outlined on the exploration block map. Data packages range from US$3,000 to US$5,000 and at least one data package needs to be purchased for a bid to be accepted.

What are pre-qualification requirements?

Pre-qualification requirements are based on the announcement.

When is the submission deadline?

The current submission deadline is set for September 15, 2020 so far.

How will the investment commitment be controlled?

Investment commitment will be controlled by the work program, the letter of Guarantee.

Are the executive regulations and special regulations published and available?

The Executive Regulations are currently available on the EMRA website. The Special Regulations is not obligated to the bidder, but the obligation on EMRA and the bidder is the exploration license.


Payment procedure for data package 

1-Fill out the form (company information)  click here .


a- kindly request that you send a copy of the company establishment documents to the following e-mail: bidround@emra.gov.eg

b- If you are not the owner of the company, then please send delegation from the company  to the following e-mail: bidround@emra.gov.eg

2-Sending a scanned image of the acknowledgment of the confidentiality of information, authenticated by the consulate to the following e-mail: bidround@emra.gov.eg     click here to download .

3-Payment by bank transfer at EMRA’s account at the Central Bank of Egypt:  click here .

4-Sending a scanned image of the document indicating bank transfer ( cash deposit receipt) to the following e-mail: bidround@emra.gov.eg

5-Once the payment is confirmed in EMRA's account at the Central Bank of Egypt, a link to download the data package will be sent to your mail.

 *** Would you please send your documents via only one official email, not more than email.

Mineral Resources Law

Mineral Resources Law No 145 of 2019 click here to download

Mineral Resources Law No 198 of 2014 click here to download

Executive Regulations No 108 of 2020 click here to download

Interactive map