
Name: Egyptian company for mineral resources
Address: 3 Salah Salem Street, Abbasia, Cairo
Tel.: 202 674 4515 / 674 4571 / 674 4563 Fax :202 485 0679
The Egyptian Company for Mineral resources was established in May 2003 with the aim of exploring, exploiting, producing and marketing ores inside and outside Egypt in order to participate in raising the level of economy. It is one of the pillars of the mining sector and the economic arm for Egyptian Mineral Resources authority. The company also contributes to Shalateen mineral resources company by 7% and also contributes in Egyptian Black Sand Company (EBSC) by 2%.
The company operates within a large group of companies, some of which are affiliated with the ministry of petroleum and mineral resources and the other is the public business sector, such as El-Nasr Mining Company, Misr Phosphate Company and Al Wadi Al Gadid Co. for Mineral Resources & Oil shale.
- Promote the investment of mineral resources internally and externally.
- Suggesting plans for industries and projects of mining materials.
- Preparing feasibility studies for investment projects for mines and quarries and preparing their specifications.
- Obtaining research licenses and contracts of exploitation as well as exploitation of various mining materials, manufacturing, marketing, selling, exporting and sharing with others in the establishing of companies.
- Conducting mineral laboratory studies and chemical analysis of mining materials.
- Conducting studies and consulting, preparing mines and quarries designs and providing technical support for mining operations.
- Encouraging investment and making use of advanced and modern technology which is available by experts.
- Participating in the implementation of large capital projects, such as production of high value exportable strategic materials.
Production, Export & Bidding
The company produces about 50 thousand tons of phosphate per month and 20 thousand tons of manganese in addition to 50 thousand tons of iron. It also produces other ores of quartz, feldspar, clay, talc and other important mineral ores through the company's mines extending from Hurghada, El-Quseir and Marsa Alam to Qena, Edfu, East and South Aswan.
The company periodically issues tenders and practices for crushing, grinding and screening of coarse phosphate in many of its sites for investment companies and contractors. The company also exports most of its phosphate products to Europe markets, India, East Asia and South America. The company has technical cadres and geological expertise that can practice its mining activity with all skill and craftsmanship and preserve these mineral resources by working on added value and manufacturing instead of exporting ore in its initial form.

Shalateen Mineral Resources Company

The Shalateen Mineral Resources Company aims to legalize the conditions of workers in random prospecting for gold in the Eastern Desert, collect the country rights and maximize the benefit from Egypt's natural resources.
The ownership structure of Shalateen Mineral Resources Company is divided between the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority at 35%, 34% for the National Service Projects Organization, 24% for the National Investment Bank, and 7% for the Egyptian Company for Mineral Resources.
On June 30, 2020, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources announced the exploration of a commercial gold discovery in the Eastern Desert in the Iqat region within the Shalateen Mineral Resources Company concession, with an estimated reserve of one million ounces of gold.
3 salah Salem street, Abbasia , Cairo
Phone: +201228282454
FAX: +20226828013

Al Sukari Gold Mines Company

Centamin Egypt – (Pharaoh Gold Mines NL Co.) is a joint company between the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority and Centamin Egypt, after it acquired the previously exploited company called the PHARAOH GOLD MINES NL Company.
About Sukari Mine and New Research Areas
On 1994, Law No. 222 of 1994 was issued to authorize the Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources to contract with the Egyptian Geological Survey (the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority) and the Pharaoh Australian Gold Mines Company to explore and exploit the gold ore and associated minerals in the Sukari Gold Mine area.
In May 2005, the company was set up operations under the name of "Al Sukari Gold Mines Company" with a concession area of 160 km 2 southwest of Marsa Alam city, about 30 km.
The Sukari Gold Mines is the first large-scale modern gold mine in Egypt located in the Jabal Al-Sukari area, in the Nuba Desert (part of the Eastern Desert).
In 2021, following an international bidding process launched by the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources and the Egyptian Mineral Resource Authority ("EMRA"), Centamin was awarded three new exploration blocks, incorporating 19 licences and covering over 3,000km2 of highly prospective greenfield ground within the Eastern Desert of the Egyptian Arabian Nubian Shield:
- Nugrus Block (1,086km2) - the licenses surrounding the Sukari Mining.
- Najd Block (1,374km2) - located 100km northwest of Sukari in the Central Eastern Desert.
- Um Rus Block (524km2) - located 40km north of Sukari
For Contact With Centamin Egypt
361 El-Horreya Road, Sedi Gaber - Alexandria - Egypt
Telephone: +20 3 5411259
Telefax: +20 3 5226350
Website: http://centamin.com
Email: Pgm@centamin.com

Hammash Misr For Gold Mines

About Hammash Misr for Gold Mines
Hammash Misr For Gold Mines (HMGM) is an Egyptian Joint Stock Company established, in the year 2002 at equal share of 50% of the Capital Stock, between "The Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority "and the American Company "Cresset International Ltd."; according to the concession Agreement – issued by the Egyptian Law no. (2) For the year 1999 – for Exploration and Exploitation of Gold and associated minerals in some localities in the Eastern desert of Egypt.
In 2004, The name "The Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority" has been replaced by the name "The Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority – EMRA". In 2007, "Cresset International Ltd" has relinquished its full of share and according by all of its rights and obligations – as per the concession agreement – to "Matz Holdings Ltd.", which has been established according to Cyprus Law.
According to HMGM establishment contact, The Company is acting as an agent, through which, the shareholders can carry out and conduct the development, exploitation, and marketing operations that are required in accordance with the provisions of the concession agreement. It will act, also, as the agent to carry out and conduct exploration operations after the date of the commercial discovery.
About mine
The Hammash Gold Mine is an ancient pharaonic gold mine located 100 km west of Marsa Alam city, on the Edfu-Marsa Alam road in the Eastern Desert, with a paved path with a length of approximately 60 km. The area has been divided into several sites showing gold mineralization, these sites are the old Hamish mine, Abu Tardah, Umm Tandab, East Ara, and West Ara.
Gold is extracted from the Hammash mine by the heap leaching method, which depends on collecting the gold-containing rocks and crushing them and placing them in the form of large piles, then spraying them with a chemical's solution can extract gold from the rocks. This method lasts for enough time to make the solution extract most of the gold in the rocks.

For Contact with Hammash Company
First District, Five area, Fifth Settlement, New Cairo
Phone/ 0226176063 Fax/ 0226176064
Aton Resources

Aton Resources is well known throughout Egypt and is one of the most experienced mining companies in the country. Since being awarded its Abu Marawat Concession in 2007, with operations beginning in 2009, Aton has built strong working relationships with its partner the Egyptian Mineral Resource Authority (EMRA) and is actively involved in the Egyptian business community.
Aton Gold Concession
Abu Marawat Concession is located in the Arabian Nubian Shield, one of the world's last gold mining frontiers District-scale potential, Abu Marawat Concession is 447.7 sq. km in size Contains the Hamama and Abu Marawat deposits, as well as the recently discovered Rodruin (December 2017) exploration project Located in an area of excellent infrastructure.
The Abu Marawat Deposit is high-grade gold-copper vein deposit located 35km to the northeast of Hamama. Mineralization remains open laterally, along strike, and at depth.

For Contact with Aton Egypt
14 Shagaret El Dor Street, 1st Floor, Suite 7, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt,
Website: https://www.atonresources.com/
Email: info@atonresources.com
SMW Gold

On the first of October of 2007, the concession agreement issued by Law No. (97) of 2007 was signed between SMW Engineering Ltd., a company organized and existing under the Russian laws, and the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Egyptian Mineral resources Authority regarding the search for and exploitation of gold and associated minerals in El Fawakheir area In the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
In 2009, SMW Engineering Limited ceded all of its rights in the El Fawakheir area to SMW Gold, a company organized and existing under Cypriot laws.
About the Fawakheir Mine
El Fawakheir Mine is a gold mine located in the Eastern Desert in the Red Sea Governorate. It was founded by the ancient Egyptians and they drew the first geological map in the history of Egypt during the reign of Seti I in the year 1200 BC. The British developed the mine in 1948, and the surrounding building area is about 100,000 square meters. The mine was nationalized after the 1952 revolution, and its production later stopped. Until SMW Engineering Ltd. came and signed the gold concession agreement

-238 North 90th Street - Zain Building - Unit 101, First Floor, Fifth Settlement - New Cairo – Cairo.
Email: mr-egypt@allied.ae
Misr Phosphate Company

About Phosphate Misr company:
Misr Phosphate Company was established in October 2009 under the Egyptian Law 159 for the year 1981. An Egyptian joint company consisting of four solid shareholders (National Investment Bank, Egyptian Mineral Resource Authority, Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation and GANOPE) where they represent 100% of the company's paid in capital.
Misr Phosphate is one of the major companies producing phosphate rock concentrate in Egypt with production capacity of around 5 million Tons a year from one of the biggest reserves in the world "Abu Tartour" located 50KM west of the city of El Kharga City, the capital of the New Valley Governate in the southwestern Egypt. Due to the company's successful records of accomplishment, Misr Phosphate have acquired concessions and licenses to operate in several phosphate mines in Egypt namely Abu Tartour, El Sebaia and Red Sea Mines, producing different grades of phosphate ore that are suitable to match any export market. In the last few years, the company showed a strong improvement in the production and sales of different ore qualities; where in 2019 Misr Phosphate Company acquired the license to operate the whole plateau of Abu Tartour phosphate mine (220KM2) by a presidential decree no. 12/2019. In order to make the best use of the Egyptian phosphate mineral resources, Misr Phosphate Company have invested in the development and execution of a world class world scale phosphoric acid production complex (El Wady for Phosphate Industries & Fertilizers "WAPHCO") that will be located in the heart of Abu Tartour phosphate mine, where Misr Phosphate Company is the major shareholder (25%). Misr Phosphate Company plays a vital role for selling and exporting phosphate ore to international markets, where Misr Phosphate is one of the major shareholders in the Egyptian Marketing Company for Phosphate and Fertilizers (EMPHCO) with a share of 20% paid in capital.
For information:
9 Ahmed Hassan St. from Mostafa El Nahas St.
9th District Area No.2, Block C Services (12.00 km) Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Phone: +2024751146
E-mail: info@phosphatemisr.com
Website http://posphatemisr.com/
Al Wadi Al Gadid for mineral resources & oil shale

Al Wadi Al Gadid for mineral resources & oil shale established in May 2007 as one of the Egyptian oil sector companies.
- Activities related to prospecting, extracting, cutting and processing mineral ores and minerals, and carrying out any industrial operations on them. This does not include sand and gravel quarries.
- Activities related to exploration of the oil and carbon sludge in the places of its presence in the Arab Republic of Egypt to conduct any industrial operations.
- Consulting services in the field of economics of operation and exploitation of mineral and quarry ores and sludge and carbon.
Address and contacts:
Cairo Office: 8 Abdel Hamid Hassan St., 8th District - Nasr City
Tel: + (202) 22758502 /602
Fax: + (202) 22758212
Website: http://www.wadico.net/site/home.html
Email: info@wadico.net