​​​​​​​​​​​​Program​ 4 : Downstream Performance​


Main Objectives

  • Increase Asset utilization and resource integration

  • Achieve globally competitive cost performance

  • Improve energy efficiency.

Achievements to date:

  • Presidential inauguration of 2 main refining projects with total investments of $4.5 billion
  • Enhancing institutional setup for managing energy efficiency.
  • Developing Energy Efficiency Strategy with a specialized international consultant (ongoing)
  • Achieving annual energy savings of $35 million through applying no/low cost energy efficiency measures
  • Implementing energy efficiency projects worth $1450 million
  • Organizing three editions of the Egyptian Petroleum Sector Energy Efficiency Five technical energy efficiency audits of the sector companies are being carried out in cooperation with the European Union and the Japan International Cooperation Organization in Assiut Oil Refining Co., Cairo Oil Refining Co., Egyptian Petrochemicals Co. and GUPCO.
  • Developing energy efficiency capacity building plan where 72 training programs executed for more than 1000 trainees, in addition to another 282 training program are currently executed for more than 275 trainees as a part of the middle management development program in cooperation with European Union.
  • Joining the World Bank's initiative for Zero Routine Flaring By 2030